Dear Ryan,
I know what you're thinking; "Renee, you're a "fair-weather" friend." and I understand why you might feel that way. You and I have been pals since I first heard your ingenious cover of Wonderwall back in 2003. You know I loved your version of that song, because it did, in fact, make my "covers that are better than the original" list. But then something happened... you lost your identity and tried to channel Jerry Garcia and honestly, I was hurt.
So, I thought that it was over between you and I because I felt as though I couldn't trust you... until you released Easy Tiger... You, David Ryan Adams, are a GOD DAMN GENIUS! It took me finally sitting down and really listening to that album, in full to truly appreciate what you were trying to do. Your variation a theme is perfection, yet imperfection at the same time. your attention to detail is staggering, especially in The Sun Also Sets where you gently introduce a banjo riff (can banjos have riffs?) into the chorus. I know your heart was being ripped out when you wrote all of these tunes, but they are truly sublime and I thank you for them.
I am, however, worried that you will never be able to again achieve this level of artistic expression of anger and bitter misery, because you have been to rehab and you lost a lot of your hearing. So, Ryan, I ask one favor... please go back on the sauce and date inappropriate and emotionally unavailable women so you can make another amazing album ohhh and maybe go on tour! We can totally hang out and get burritos!!
love, forever... I swear,
Your BFF Renee