but there are times when I fancy myself a bit of an optimist, when the universe seems almost like it's not out to get me and that maybe, just maybe... life is fabulous.
In times like these, I cannot subject myself to the horrifying song stylings of someone like... I don't know... someone perky... "bubbly blond teenager". So what's a girl to do, when all she wants to hear is misery and teardrops in the vocals but finds herself in a good mood for a change?
Oh Oh Oh! I Know!! I Know!!!
For all of those who wondered when we would see another Paul Simon, or maybe Cat Stevens, or maybe dare I say it... Jeff Buckley, look no further than my newest pal M J.
His deceptively haphazard melodies create what seems like, on the surface, one warbally-yet-annoyingly-catchy cutsie love song after another. However, if you look closely what you will find is a series of skillfully crafted folk songs that offer multiple layers of sweetly simple phrasing supporting engaging lyrics that are just hopeful enough that you almost believe that it won't end in tears... almost.
Check out these two tunes to brighten up your day without giving you an ice cream headache:
Be Here Now
from the album Boneclouds.
Adorable lyrics:
"Be here now no other place to be this whole world keeps changing come change with me. Everything that’s happened, all that’s yet to come, is here inside this moment it’s the only one. You are the love of my life. You are the love of my life. Yeah you know you are."
Fighter Girl
From the album If You Need a Reason
Adorable lyrics:
Hey little fighter girl
Its you and me up against this whole wide world
Sleeping together in the lions den
Got your earrings in my pocket till I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...Come on kissing me
So sweet... but of course... so fleeting...
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