Monday, November 24, 2008
Best of 2008
I approach my year end best list by listing the tunes that I actually heard and tought were amazing in the year in question... no matter when it was actually released.
this is in no particular order...
Lucinda Williams: Real Love (of course!)
Kathleen Edwards: I Make the Dough, You Get the Glory
Kathleen Edwards: Cheepest Key
Black Kids: I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
My Morning Jacket: Thank You Too (when I get married, this will be my wedding song... word!)
My Morning Jacket: I'm Amazed
My Morning Jacket: Highly Suspicious
Death Cab for Cutie: I Will Possess Your Heart (Not the radio edit)
Bell X1: Bad Skin Day
Duffy: Mercy
Adele: Chasing Pavements
Ray LaMontagne: Let it be me
Mudcrutch: Scare Easy
Kate Rusby: The Lark
Beth Waters: Blue and White
Sarah Fimm: December
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate...
but they forgot one thing.
we were situated at the top of a mountain in mid July with no shade... so your gal Renee was brunt out by 12:00am each night and missed the following:
Widespread Panic
Dark Star
Govm't Mule
I promise (Brian) that I will write performance reviews soon, but for now let's check and see if my predictions for the festival came true:
1. I will find the coffee vendor on site and make BFF's with them the moment we park the car.
it took me about an hour to find them, but I had ZERO coffee this weekend... It was only 2.50 for an iced coffeee, but I took a sip of Ben's and learned why it was so cheap! :(
2. Someone, I don't know who, will cover "The Weight"
haHA!! Susan Tedeschi and Derke Trucks closed their set with it! I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT!!
3. Phil Lesh will tell us about his liver and how you should give away part of yours, or a kidney, or whatever.
Of course he did!
4. Between Phil Lesh and the DSO we will hear: Good Lovin, Uncle John's Band, and Good Lovin again.
Sad to say, I will never know (well, at least not until I check out but I did hear Keller do Eyes of the World, Phil do Jack Straw, and some random cover band start up a 7:00am set in the camping area with a sad and warbily rendition of "Shakedown Street". That moment was a bit bitter-sweet for me, because I have always wante dto hear someone cover that tune.. just someone good.
5. I will get that weird patch of sunburn across my tramp stamp that I can never figure out how it got there.
nope... not this time, instead I have a horrible burn on both of my legs...
6. Someone will get poked in the eye with a glow stick thus ending the awesomeness that is glow stick wars during the first late night set.
you know what... even if someone did get poked in the eye, no one would have stopped anything... there were no cops and the security was so lazy... you could have brought in a thousand guns and some live Bangal tigers and no one would have cared.
7. Kisner and I will get into an argument about trying to cook with a cast iron skillet on a tiny personal grill
well, more like everytime we cooked, or talked about cooking he would bring up the fact that I didn't want to bring it... which really was annoying.
8. Keller Williams will crawl further up Phil Lesh's ass and try to jam with the Friends... uggghh
I was wrong, but he did do a bad-ass cover of "Pepper"
9. John Bell and Dave Schools will compete for the title of 2008's best looking hair blowing in the stage wind machine... Will Dave take it again this year, or with John finally win it for the wavy haired wonders out there?
there was no contest, as teher was no stage wind machine... I missed the set, but I say when it comes to the better hair with no wind, it has to be John... maybe he would let me boing his curls one day!
10. I will take photos of my feet to chronologically display the dirtiness
oh I did, and it's gross!
In addition I would like to offer up two long-shot predictions:
1. Daniela Cotton and Susan Tedeschi will play sing "Piece of My Heart" and my face will melt off
I wish, but they weren't on the same day.. however, Daniela Cotton did a SICK cover of Purple Rain! SICK!!!
2. Mike Gordon will make up for years of sucking by saying these words "Welcome special guest Trey Anastasio to the stage" or better yet "Trey Anastasio, Jon Fishman, and Page McConnell" after which my head will explode and I will die... a happy... happy woman!
What do you think?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I'm Gonna Tell You How It's Gonna Be...

OK SEXY PEOPLE: I am headed off to Good Ol' Marvin's Mountaintop to check out ALLGOOD 2008!! WHOO HOOO!!
I'm pretty excited, no cell phones, no overlapping sets, no Metallica... it's going to be a big muddy, dirty slice of heaven. Four days of music and no running water... I can grantee it's going to be hot, muddy, and smelly... but because I have not taken any mind altering substances yet, I can't se the future; thus... I have a few predictions:
Almost sure things:
1. I will find the coffee vendor on site and make BFF's with them the moment we park the car.
2. Someone, I don't know who, will cover "The Weight"
3. Phil Lesh will tell us about his liver and how you should give away part of yours, or a kidney, or whatever.
4. Between Phil Lesh and the DSO we will hear: Good Lovin, Uncle John's Band, and Good Lovin again.
5. I will get that weird patch of sunburn across my tramp stamp that I can never figure out how it got there.
6. Someone will get poked in the eye with a glow stick thus ending the awesomeness that is glow stick wars during the first late night set.
7. Kisner and I will get into an argument about trying to cook with a cast iron skillet on a tiny personal grill
8. Keller Williams will crawl further up Phil Lesh's ass and try to jam with the Friends... uggghh
9. John Bell and Dave Schools will compete for the title of 2008's best looking hair blowing in the stage wind machine... Will Dave take it again this year, or with John finally win it for the wavy haired wonders out there?
10. I will take photos of my feet to chronologically display the dirtiness
In addition I would like to offer up two long-shot predictions:
1. Daniela Cotton and Susan Tedeschi will play sing "Piece of My Heart" and my face will melt off
2. Mike Gordon will make up for years of sucking by saying these words "Welcome special guest Trey Anastasio to the stage" or better yet "Trey Anastasio, Jon Fishman, and Page McConnell" after which my head will explode and I will die... a happy... happy woman!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Maybe I'm Too Young to Keep Good Love From Going Wrong...

but there are times when I fancy myself a bit of an optimist, when the universe seems almost like it's not out to get me and that maybe, just maybe... life is fabulous.
In times like these, I cannot subject myself to the horrifying song stylings of someone like... I don't know... someone perky... "bubbly blond teenager". So what's a girl to do, when all she wants to hear is misery and teardrops in the vocals but finds herself in a good mood for a change?
Oh Oh Oh! I Know!! I Know!!!
For all of those who wondered when we would see another Paul Simon, or maybe Cat Stevens, or maybe dare I say it... Jeff Buckley, look no further than my newest pal M J.
His deceptively haphazard melodies create what seems like, on the surface, one warbally-yet-annoyingly-catchy cutsie love song after another. However, if you look closely what you will find is a series of skillfully crafted folk songs that offer multiple layers of sweetly simple phrasing supporting engaging lyrics that are just hopeful enough that you almost believe that it won't end in tears... almost.
Check out these two tunes to brighten up your day without giving you an ice cream headache:
Be Here Now
from the album Boneclouds.
Adorable lyrics:
"Be here now no other place to be this whole world keeps changing come change with me. Everything that’s happened, all that’s yet to come, is here inside this moment it’s the only one. You are the love of my life. You are the love of my life. Yeah you know you are."
Fighter Girl
From the album If You Need a Reason
Adorable lyrics:
Hey little fighter girl
Its you and me up against this whole wide world
Sleeping together in the lions den
Got your earrings in my pocket till I see you again
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...Come on kissing me
So sweet... but of course... so fleeting...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
An Open Letter to my BFF Ryan Adams

Dear Ryan,
I know what you're thinking; "Renee, you're a "fair-weather" friend." and I understand why you might feel that way. You and I have been pals since I first heard your ingenious cover of Wonderwall back in 2003. You know I loved your version of that song, because it did, in fact, make my "covers that are better than the original" list. But then something happened... you lost your identity and tried to channel Jerry Garcia and honestly, I was hurt.
So, I thought that it was over between you and I because I felt as though I couldn't trust you... until you released Easy Tiger... You, David Ryan Adams, are a GOD DAMN GENIUS! It took me finally sitting down and really listening to that album, in full to truly appreciate what you were trying to do. Your variation a theme is perfection, yet imperfection at the same time. your attention to detail is staggering, especially in The Sun Also Sets where you gently introduce a banjo riff (can banjos have riffs?) into the chorus. I know your heart was being ripped out when you wrote all of these tunes, but they are truly sublime and I thank you for them.
I am, however, worried that you will never be able to again achieve this level of artistic expression of anger and bitter misery, because you have been to rehab and you lost a lot of your hearing. So, Ryan, I ask one favor... please go back on the sauce and date inappropriate and emotionally unavailable women so you can make another amazing album ohhh and maybe go on tour! We can totally hang out and get burritos!!
love, forever... I swear,
Your BFF Renee
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
You're Such A Nasty Little Girl...
To that end, I have begun my show selection process, and was fairly content with my modest set of about 15 concerts and two festivals until I heard a rumor that Ms Lucinda Williams is coming to town.. with one drawback... she's playing a double bill with John Horrible Meloncamp!
WHAT THE SHIT?!?! They don't even sound alike...
but let me not lie... Lucinda Williams could open for a poo catapult machine and I would pay to see it.
The tricky part is convincing someone to go with me... because no one wants to see John Meloncamp. I have no issue with paying 50 or 60 bones to go to this show, because I know that it will be well worth it once Lucinda saunters on to the stage, beer in hand, rocking her signature cowboy hat. Just like I knew it would be well worth it when I spent, en toto, about $1200.00 to attend Bonnaroo just so I could see Gillian Welch perform a 50 minute set.. but I also watched that set alone, because my friend didn't want to see her...
If anyone out there in blog-land wants know.. here is the sweet and dirty lowdown on Lucinda:

Sounds like: A lower voiced happy Emmilou Harris who just got dumped and is drinking and smoking while singing with a band in the back of a bar below the mason Dixon.
Why you should listen: Lucinda Williams does not hold back, whatever she is feeling she puts it on the table. Throughout her career she has evolved from paying homage to her folky roots in twangy spare blue-grass to creating rich to warbling compelling songs fueled by two fisted anger and bitterness with just a touch of gun blazing sweltering humid whisky soaked sexuality. She is a sick-amazing song writer and has some bad-ass tattoos!
Best Lyrics: from Come On
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Lights, Camera, Elitist Cultural Enjoyment...

The Philadelphia Film Festival is upon us once agian, not that Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, mind you, but a good time none the less. I am not a big movie person, but I have a good friend who knows movies who went to SXSW and checked a few out.
aka: Hallam Foe
Great Britain 2007, 95 min
aka: Saawariya
India 2007, 137 min
Friday, February 29, 2008
She fell in Love with the Drummer, Another and Another....
But lord as my witness, there is nothing hotter than someone who loves good music.
Like Satan himself holding the apple…
I’ll still take it, bite it, love every moment, and knowing that it will lead to nothing but trouble…
do it all over again.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Bert and Ernie
If Bobby Weir and Trey got together and played Frank Zappa tunes they would create a force that would rock so hard that all of the world's problems would be solved and everyone would become best friends!
That would be the jam heard 'round the world!

I would argue that Frank Zappa set for gold standard to which all guitarists now strive to achieve and cultivated a generation of musical connoisseurs that have a thirst for awesomeness that lesser artists' musical ramblings could never satiate.
Bitches Were Robbed!!

I was disappointed that Kate Bush wasn't nominated for her song from the Golden Compass. It wasn't exactly the greatest song she has written, in fact... it's kind of bad, but it's Kate Bush! BUMMER!
Cate's GQBess can't cut it ten years later!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
...I am Trying to Break Your Heart...
Friday, February 22, 2008
If someone were inclined to read this, here is what I have been listening too lately:
Sarah Fimm.
Sounds like: a non-irritating 1996 Sarah McLaughlin, only much smarter and with way better boobs.
Why should you listen: her music makes even the most mundane moment sexy and sophisticated, seriously... I was shopping for a new toothbrush this afternoon in a soggy coat and I felt like I was drinking a Manhattan on the upper east side wearing heels and slutty cocktail dress.
Best Lyric:
from Be Like Water
"Don’t chase ghosts, don’t get too close, Don’t get caught, don’t get spent Don’t get bought Don’t sell out, don’t get bent Don’t fuck your best friend If everything is just the way it should be Why am I why am I still hungry"
What is not so good? Her albums are hard to get, not in stores, used on amazon and ebay which are like... 30 bucks each!